Kim Johnson

Kim Johnson
8th Grade Homeroom Teacher and Upper School Math Support

After earning a degree in elementary education from Rowan University, I found myself living in New York City and drawn to the fashion industry. For a decade, I ran my own clothing label and store on the Lower East Side and only occasionally gave teaching another thought. But the connection stayed alive because every once in a while, I would spend a slow afternoon reading to the neighborhood kids in my store and I really loved it.

After having children of my own, I moved to Montclair and resolved to re-enter the teaching profession. I discovered the Montclair Co-op – a gem of a school boasting the progressive ideals that I share. The Co-op is bursting each day with creative energy. I am thrilled to be an assistant teacher in the Upper School, where we work hard to give students a unique learning environment that nurtures their evolving interests and passions.