Around the Co-op

We are so excited to be welcoming you back to the new school year!

We are so excited to be welcoming you back to the new school year!

The summer has been spent preparing for the reopening of our school. That could not have
happened without the incredible hard work and support of faculty, staff and parents. Because
our community came together and gave so generously of their expertise and their time, we were
able to create the Reopening Plan, prepare our outdoor classrooms with tented spaces, care for
the garden and grounds, and ensure adequate ventilation by fitting and installing window fans.

We are ready to welcome back our students next week for a new school year which will look
and feel a little different but will be as exciting, inspiring and nurturing as always. We are so
excited to experience this new adventure together. We will get reacquainted and together learn
our new health and safety procedures and how to make use of our outdoor space in new and
creative ways.